Public sector
Governments and local governments are facing declining birthrates, an aging population and worsening financial conditions. To address these issues, it is essential to improve efficiency through the use of data and area-wide cooperation. Fujitsu contributes to sustainable community development by revitalizing local communities and optimizing administrative operations and procedures.
Building safe and secure towns
With the aim of creating a sustainable society, we will work with governments and municipalities to create resilient communities that are accessible to all residents.
Business optimization
By improving efficiency through business process analysis and leveraging ICT, we will improve resident services and reduce administrative burdens by reforming working styles.
Transformation of public welfare
We provide a one-stop comprehensive welfare service tailored to each local community and resident, responding to declining birthrates, aging population and deteriorating financial conditions, and realizing a future for children and a society where no one is left behind.
National security
By improving efficiency through business process analysis and leverage of ICT, we improve resident services and reduce administrative burden by reforming working styles.
Enriching the lives of residents
We utilize digital technology to create a safe and comfortable community, facing local issues and supporting the realization of smart cities in which residents play a leading role.
Enhancing students' learning experiences
We use digital technology to help students enhance their learning experiences, improve the quality of education and research activities, and create a better learning environment.
Operational innovation in agriculture
We drive smart agriculture using digital technology to solve the problems of aging population and shortage of human resources. We aim to achieve stable agricultural production by making full use of AI and IoT to improve efficiency and save labor.
Key focus areas achieving a sustainable world
Customer stories

City of Hamm - Open data for the smart city
The city of Hamm is on its way to becoming a smart city with its exemplary digitization strategy. A co-design workshop with Fujitsu identified the most important data requirements in the area of sustainability for an open data citizens’ portal, including interest groups from a wide range of sectors.
Uckermark District - Co-designing a vision for digitization

Government of Canada - Transforming a nation’s social services

Canadian Public Sector Labour and Immigration - Digitizing reporting saves time and money