
Energia-ala tarvitsee kipeästi innovaatioita vastuullisuuteen ja hiilijalanjälkeen liittyvien haasteiden ratkaisemiseksi. Yrityksien täytyy punnita uusiutuvien energiaresurssien optimaalista hyödyntämistä. Fujitsu tukee energiasektoria rakentamalla uuden sukupolven palvelualustoja toimintojen tehostamiseksi. Näin tuemme energia-alan kestävää siirtymää.


Älykäs sähköverkko

Optimoimme uusiutuvien energioiden käyttöönottoa ja energiakustannusten kontrollointia yhdistämällä digitaalisia teknologioita älykkääseen sähköverkkoon ja sähköisiin hallintajärjestelmiin.

Liiketoiminnan optimointi

Hyödynnä tekoälyä työn analysoimisessa ja vähennä hallinnollista taakkaa. Käyttäytymisanalytiikan ja kysynnän ennustamisen ratkaisut parantavat tehokkuutta ja laskevat kustannuksia.


Use technology to expand the use of renewable energy and improve the maintenance of transmission facilities

Chugoku Electric Power Transmission & Distribution Co., Inc. and Fujitsu conducted a demonstration test to expand the use of renewable energy in power transmission facilities and to upgrade transmission and maintenance services. In this article, we introduce the background of the start of the demonstration experiment, the details of the experiment, and the opinions of the people involved in the project.

A mountain landscape with a drone in the sky

Näin rakennamme vastuullisempaa maailmaa


Mies katsoo tablettia

Alinta Energy - Powers ahead with cloud-based data warehouse and AI infused analytics

Alinta Energy is one of the first companies in Australia to use Azure Synapse Analytics, the latest evolution of Azure SQL Data Warehouse which promises a limitless analytics service bringing together enterprise data warehousing and big data analytics.

Botanical Water Technologies - Delivering a new source of water

Botanical Water Technologies (BWT) uses its own technology to harvest, filter and purify water during food production. It chose Fujitsu based on its expertise and sustainability culture as a partner to create a blockchain platform that would enable the secure trading of water.
A glass of water being filled

Centrica plc - Partnering to accelerate digitisation

Centrica adopted Microsoft Power Platform to give the business autonomy over its app development. When internal IT resources are stretched, Centrica wanted to find a way to swiftly scale to support the business. Fujitsu provides expertise and resources to build and manage large and complex apps.
A worker smiling at his computer while talking with his headset

EnBW Ostwürttemberg DonauRies AG - Framework for successful IT strategy

EnBW ODR wanted to realign its IT strategy to meet the future challenges of the digitalized energy market. The objective was to meet current requirements with regard to cloud use and flexibility as well as to enhance the company’s attractiveness as an employer.
An electric vehicle on the road passing though a green field with a solar panel