Integrated Report 2024

Aerial photography of lush green landscapes

Message from the CEO

Photo of Takahito Tokita, Representative Director, CEO

Takahito Tokita, Representative Director, CEO

We will achieve sustainable growth and increase corporate value by accelerating our rate of change and enhancing the value we provide to our customers and the society that exists beyond them.

Management strategy

Nature is spread out in the urban environment

Fujitsu is promoting the 2023-2025 Medium-Term Management Plan, which it formulated by backcasting from its vision for the future in 2030 and beyond. The plan has three main initiatives: transform our business model and portfolio, ensure reliable support for the modernization of customers’ IT assets, and improve the profitability of our international business. By implementing these three initiatives and the four key strategies for realizing them, we aim to build a business model that combines sustainable growth and high profitability.

Financial strategy and business overview

Photo of Takeshi Isobe, Representative Director, Corporate Vice President, CFO

Takeshi Isobe, Representative Director, Corporate Vice President, CFO

To achieve sustainable growth and enhance corporate value, Fujitsu is pursuing a financial strategy that emphasizes the expansion of cash generation and optimization of capital allocation. Based on the 2023-2025 Medium-Term Management Plan, we will steadily invest in business growth and shareholder returns, growing Service Solutions and enhancing profitability. At the same time, we intend to fulfill stakeholders’ expectations by achieving our financial targets for fiscal 2025, a milestone on the path toward 2030.

Progress and outlook in focus areas

Setting its sights on 2030 and beyond, Fujitsu is expanding its digital services centered on Fujitsu Uvance, strengthening its consulting capabilities to enhance its competitiveness, and executing its AI strategies. We are also promoting modernization and delivery transformation that will contribute to customer DX and SX. We will achieve sustainable growth and enhance corporate value by simultaneously providing new value to our customers and pursuing our own innovation.

Strengthening of consulting capabilities :
Shunsuke Onishi, Corporate Executive Officer, Corporate Vice President, COO (in charge of Regions), CRO

We aim to offer higher value-added services by combining the Group’s accumulated knowledge and technological capabilities with consulting skills.
Photo of Shunsuke Onishi, Corporate Executive Officer, Corporate Vice President, COO (in charge of Regions), CRO

Growth scenario for Fujitsu Uvance :
Yoshinami Takahashi, Corporate Executive Officer, Corporate Vice President, COO (in charge of Fujitsu Uvance)

By providing unique and high-value-added offerings, we will achieve sustainable growth and transform our business model.
Photo of Yoshinami Takahashi, Corporate Executive Officer, Corporate Vice President, COO (in charge of Fujitsu Uvance)

Technology leadership underpinned by a pioneering AI strategy :
Vivek Mahajan, Corporate Executive Officer, Corporate Vice President, CTO, CPO

Fujitsu aims to become a top global player in driving the adoption of generative AI in enterprises. It is realizing this ambition by accelerating the comprehensive implementation of AI into Fujitsu Uvance offerings.
Photo of Vivek Mahajan, Corporate Executive Officer, Corporate Vice President, CTO, CPO

Growth potential of modernization :
Megumi Shimazu, Corporate Executive Officer, Corporate Vice President, COO (in charge of Service Delivery)

By steadily tapping into demand for modernization and expanding our delivery capabilities, we contribute to the success of our customers’ DX, and translate this into growth.
Photo of Megumi Shimazu, Corporate Executive Officer, Corporate Vice President, COO (in charge of Service Delivery)

Reinforcing management capital

Photo of Hiroki Hiramatsu, Director, SEVP, CHRO

Human Capital (Hiroki Hiramatsu, Director, SEVP, CHRO)

We will accelerate HR policies that promote mobility of human resources, create a people portfolio that aligns with our business strategies, and strengthen our human capital over the medium to long term.

Sustainability management

Photo of Takashi Yamanishi, Corporate Executive Officer, EVP, CSSO

Sustainability (Takashi Yamanishi, Corporate Executive Officer, EVP, CSSO)
*Sustainability&Supply Chain

We focus on sustainability management that contributes to enhancing corporate value.

Corporate governance

Photo of Yoshiko Kojo, Director

Interview with the Chairperson of the Board of Directors (Yoshiko Kojo, Director)

We asked Ms. Kojo about her aspirations as chairperson, the focus in the role of supervision for medium- to long-term value creation, and the reasons for the selection of new directors.

Fujitsu Integrated Report 2024

PDF thumbnails of Fujitsu Integrated Report 2024
PDF thumbnails of Fujitsu Integrated Report 2024

Click here to read by section

04 About Fujitsu
05 The Fujitsu Way
06 Value creation model
07 Trajectory of change
08 Business portfolio
09 Materiality
10 Message from the CEO

16 2030 vision and 2023–2025 Medium-Term Management Plan
17 2023–2025 Medium-Term Management Plan
23 Understanding the relationship between financial and non-financial indicators

25 Message from the CFO
28 Highlights of consolidated performance in fiscal 2023
29 Overview of operations by segment

34 Strengthening of consulting capabilities
37 Growth scenario for Fujitsu Uvance
41 Fujitsu Uvance’s key offerings
42 Technology leadership underpinned by a pioneering AI strategy
44 Growth potential of modernization
45 Improving productivity by transforming delivery

47 Message from the CHRO (Chief Human Resource Officer)
49 Human resource management
53 Intellectual property
54 Data-driven management expertise

56 Message from the CSSO (Chief Sustainability & Supply Chain Officer)
57 Overview of our sustainability management
58 The environment
60 TCFD-based information disclosure
61 TNFD-based information disclosure
61 Human rights
63 Supply chain
64 Compliance
65 Collaboration with stakeholders

67 Interview with the Chairperson of the Board of Directors
69 Management
72 Status of corporate governance
82 Risk management
84 Product and service quality
85 Information security

87 Performance highlights
91 Agreement with international norms, participation in international organizations, and external evaluations
92 Company overview / Shareholder data

Back numbers : Integrated Report

※From fiscal 2015, the Fujitsu Limited Annual Report and CSR Report have been combined and published as the “Fujitsu Group Integrated Report.”

Solving societal issues

Solving global environmental issues

Creating a future where people and nature can thrive.
Three people are picking vegetables in the garden

Developing a digital society

Harnessing digital technology for a more resilient society.
A woman is standing on a balcony looking down at the city

Improving people's well-being

Enhancing quality of life and opportunities across society.
laughing together in the park with a child on their back

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