Message from the CEO

Takahito Tokita Representative Director CEO
We will realize business portfolio transformation and growth through the provision of solutions that contribute to “solving global environmental issues,” “developing a digital society,” and “improving people’s well-being.”

Being a technology company that realizes net positive through digital services
We have shared this vision throughout the Group, with the goal of achieving Our Purpose by having a positive impact on society overall through technology and innovation. In addition to creating financial value, we will also work together with our stakeholders to provide positive value to society, addressing the Planet as we work to resolve global environmental problems, Prosperity by developing a digital society, and People by improving their well-being.
Solving societal issues
Solving global environmental issues

Developing a digital society

Improving people's well-being

Management strategy
The Fujitsu Group has positioned the three years from fiscal 2023 as a time to build a model for growth and improved profitability, with the aim of realizing its 2030 vision and creating sustainable value thereafter through backcasting. We will promote the four key strategies under our 2023–2025 Medium-Term Management Plan and concentrate resources on growth areas centered on Fujitsu Uvance. As a result, we will help to resolve the management and social challenges our customers face, and also enhance our own corporate value.

Business strategy
We are promoting four strategies under the 2023–2025 Medium-Term Management Plan (medium-term plan): a business model and portfolio strategy centered on Fujitsu Uvance, a customer success/regional strategy to enhance customer engagement globally, a technology strategy to strengthen our competitive advantage in core technologies including AI, and a people strategy that will help improve productivity. By linking these four key strategies, we aim to build a model that helps us meet our financial and non-financial indicators, as well as achieve sustainable growth and higher profitability in the medium to long term.
Business model and portfolio strategy:
Fujitsu Uvance
Corporate Executive Officer

Business model and portfolio strategy:
Corporate Executive Officer

Technology strategy:
Five Key Technologies
Corporate Executive Officer

Customer success/regional strategy:
Customer success
Corporate Executive Officer

Customer success/regional strategy:
Regions (Japan)
Corporate Executive Officer

Reinforcing management capital
We are working to maintain and strengthen our management capital by building a workforce portfolio that drives business promotion and delivers value to customers, the acceleration of digital transformation (DX) to achieve data-driven decision-making and productivity improvement, and the practice of sustainability management that can serve as a reference for customers. We will utilize our management capital as a source of energy for the transformation to realize Our Purpose and strive for sustainable value creation.

Interview with the Chairman of the Board of Directors
We asked Atsushi Abe, Chairman of Fujitsu’s Board of Directors, and Chairperson of Fujitsu’s Executive Nomination Committee, about discussion points at the Board of Directors meetings with regard to the formulation of the 2023–2025 Medium-Term Management Plan (new medium-term plan) and the activities of the Executive Nomination Committee in fiscal 2022.
Value Creation Model
We in the Fujitsu Group are committed to providing value to society driven by Our Purpose, starting with social trends.

001 About Fujitsu
003 Our Purpose
004 The Fujitsu Way
005 Value creation model
006 Materiality
008 Vision
009 Business portfolio
010 Message from the CEO
017 Trajectory of change
018 2020–2022 Medium-Term Management Plan:
Review of financial indicators
019 2020–2022 Medium-Term Management Plan:
Review of non-financial indicators
020 2023–2025 Medium-Term Management Plan:
Overview of the plan
021 2023–2025 Medium-Term Management Plan:
Financial and non-financial indicators
022 2023–2025 Medium-Term Management Plan:
Key strategies
024 Interview with the COO
026 Message from the CFO
029 Revision of segments
030 Approach to Materiality
034 Business model and portfolio strategy: Fujitsu Uvance
037 Business model and portfolio strategy: Delivery
039 Technology strategy: Five Key Technologies
041 Technology strategy: Intellectual property management
042 Customer success/regional strategy: Customer success
044 Customer success/regional strategy: Regions (Japan)
046 Customer success/regional strategy: Regions (International)
047 System quality and information security
049 Message from the CHRO (Chief Human Resource Officer)
051 Overall human resource strategy
052 The human resource management trajectory
053 Major human resource management initiatives and progress
054 Employee opinions
055 Message from the CDXO (Chief Digital Transformation Officer), CIO (Chief Information Officer)
056 Fujitsu Group’s DX
057 Message from the CSuO (Chief Sustainability Officer)
058 Overview of our sustainability management
059 Overview of GRB progress
062 Human Rights
063 Supply Chain
064 Compliance
065 The Environment
067 TCFD-based information disclosure
071 Collaboration with stakeholders
073 Interview with the Chairman of the Board of Directors
075 Management
078 Status of corporate governance
089 Risk management
091 Economic security initiatives
092 Information security
094 Performance highlights
097 Highlights by segment
099 Technology Solutions highlights by international region
101 Agreement with international norms, participation in international organizations, and external evaluations
102 Editorial policy / Disclosure system
103 Company overview / Shareholder data
Back numbers: Integrated Report
※From fiscal 2015, the Fujitsu Limited Annual Report and CSR Report have been combined and published as the “Fujitsu Group Integrated Report.”
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